Thursday, October 7, 2010

Final report

Since I'm now playing basketball weekly and doing some running events I figure it is time to wind down this blog. My knee feels pretty good, though I can tell the strength is not returned yet but I am confident it will with time and workouts. My endurance is what I'm trying to build back now, with that 10 months since injury and no working out like normal I get tired as heck.

Later all,


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Played basketball today...

First time out playing hoops since the surgery. Thinks felt pretty good, but I sure noticed not much strength when it came to doing layups and jump shots. I was beat, I mean really tired after 2 games. Usually I play for 3 hrs without much problem, but not today. The knee still has tweeks and sorness but overall not bad. Good to be back to almost normal....6 months, better then I expected.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

6 Month report....much better!!

Something happened when I hit that 6 month wall and my knee has really turned a corner. No longer do I have the pain when I stand up after sitting for an hour or more, or driving long distances. For some reason my knee just seemed to jump forward and excel in its rehab.
I saw the doctor a few days ago and he gave me the "go" to start doing more sports, but gradually work into them, not just jump in and start playing in 3-3 tournaments . Running feels pretty good too. I hope to play some light basketball later this week and again next week and see how things go. Woo-hoo!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

It has been 5 months now

Last week I ran a 5k, the first real physical thing I've done since the injury. I survived, and didn't walk in any part of the run. Though my time was rather slow (34min/30sec) I did my goal of no walking. I iced immediately after the run using ice from the water bottle tubs. The next day I noticed my knee a bit swollen so I iced again, but no significant pain. I still have pain when I stand up quick after sitting for long spells (such as driving distances, or at my desk at work). I've been biking and plan to do more running but no 5k's yet. I'd guess doing the 5k last weekend was a bit premature, but my knee survived ok.

Friday, July 16, 2010

4+ Months post op now

This week the PT had me start jogging on a tread mill with my brace. Good to finally feel like I'm moving again, but I'm also feeling more pain in my knee when I try to straighten/hyperextend then it was a couple weeks ago. My doc says I need to stretch it more to get the -4 degrees my good leg is (op knee was -2 last checked), but at this point there seems to be a lot of pain when I try to stretch. After sitting for periods of time I'm feeling pain when I get up and walk to where I'm limping a bit, then as I walk it gets better.
The doc feels I'm on schedule to do normal sports (with brace) after 6 months..... I'm hoping so. Going to try to do as much jogging as possible.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 17, 2010

The PT is having me do some new exercises the past few visits, including the elliptical. I'm still having some swelling above the knee and pain when I stand after sitting for a period of time, but hope it goes away eventually. Ordered my Donjoy extreme armor knee brace that I am suppose to use for any future athletic type things. Sure will be glad when October rolls around. I'm hoping to be done with all this by then.

Friday, June 4, 2010

12 weeks post op!

Not much has really changed over the past few weeks, or so it seems. My flex last measured at 152 and hyperextention at -1. The doc wants my hyperextention to be -4 but personally I really don't care and don't want to go through too much pain to achieve this. The PT has me doing more and more activity with 3lb weights on the legs and the bike is now on resistance 6.
Still swelling going on and I've increased the ice usage but it doesn't seem to do anything?? Just have to be patient I guess.